Our Web site is meant to provide reliable information consistent with the standard of care at the time of publication. It is not designed to be all inclusive nor is it intended to substitute for the individual advice and decision-making provided by your pediatrician. We, therefore, take no responsibility for the accuracy and content of these pages or that of links from these pages.
- Can I schedule a visit before my child is born?
We welcome prenatal visits as they are a great opportunity for you to meet our doctors, tour the office and meet our wonderful staff and for our doctors to meet you. If you want to schedule the first appointment for your newborn, call us the day of your discharge from the hospital and we will schedule the appropriate early post-discharge appointment.
- Can a 16-year old come in to be seen by herself?
Yes: but it is a good idea for a parent to call ahead with any specific concerns and to give consent for possible immunizations.
Do I need to have my child checked for illness before I travel?
Generally, no. You may wish to consult with your doctor if your child has a chronic medical condition, such as asthma, or if you are traveling overseas to a country with specific health issues. Certain non-routine immunizations may be indicated. You can check www.cdc.gov/travel for any special recommendation.
- Do you take walk-in appointments?
No, we expect all patients with an illness to call first. Patients are usually seen the same day for illnesses, if appropriate.
- How long must I wait for an appointment for a sick child?
We usually see all children the same day, or the next day if appropriate.
- What age children does your practice see?
Our practice welcomes children from newborn through the college years. We have reserved an hour a week where we only see adolescent patients so that they don't feel that they are seeing the "baby doctor". For patients over 18 years you need to check with your insurance company to see if they will allow you to see a pediatrician.
- Do you see patients who are not immunized?
Our practice strongly believes in immunizations. We are flexible in cases where parents want to follow a modified schedule. However, that schedule should be discussed with one of the doctors before a new patient joins the practice.
- Do you have any weekend hours?
Yes, we are open every Saturday; these hours are mostly for emergencies and sick visits. There are a few check up appointments available, but these must be scheduled well in advance.
- Do you have any late hours?
We are open Mondays until 6:30 pm and Wednesdays until 8:00 pm, and Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm-8:00pm we have our adolescent hour when we see patients 12 and older only. Our hours are subject to change, please call ahead to schedule appointments.
- What do I need to do to get a referral?
Generally a child should be seen before a referral, so that an appropriate evaluation can be performed, and therefore referral to the appropriate specialist.
- Where can I park?
There are a lot of metered spots nearby and the closest parking lot is on Henry Street between Clark and Pineapple Streets (Cadman Towers) as well as on Clinton Street off the corner of Pierrepont Street.
- Will my child always see our personal physician?
We are currently a practice of 3 physicians, so all patients should get to know all of us. Many of our patients have personal preferences for check-ups, and we try to accommodate those wishes. For sick visits you will see whichever doctor has the earliest availability.
- Will the doctor call in an antibiotic prescription for my child without being seen?
No. All patients need to be seen for any newly occurring illnesses. If you need a refill on medications that your child chronically uses, you can call the office during business hours or send us an email and we will call the refill to the pharmacy for you.
- Do I need to bring my child in if she has a cold?
Colds and upper respiratory infections are usually caused by viruses. They typically last between 7 to 10 days and often are accompanied by fever initially. The temperature usually ranges anywhere from 100.4 to 102 F. The child should be brought to the office if there is any difficulty breathing, significant sore throat, ear ache, high fever (>102) or when the fever lasts more than 2 to 3 days, the fever appears at the end of a cold, or if the child appears physically ill.
Doses of over the counter medications
All dosages are determined by weight not by age so make sure you check the label for the type and dosage of any medicine you are giving. Make sure you do not mix medicines with the same component e.g. Motrin and Advil. Motrin/Advil/Ibuprofen cannot be given to children below 6 months of age if you have any questions please call our office. In cases of overdose call the Poison Control Center : 1 800 222 1222
Ibuprofen is the active ingredient in Advil® and Motrin®.
Ibuprofen is used to decrease pain and swelling and to reduce fevers. It should not be used in children less than 6 months old without first discussing it with your practitioner. All of these products can be given every 6-8 hours as needed.
Weight (lbs.) |
Infant's Ibuprofen Drops (50mg/1.25ml) |
Children's Ibuprofen (100mg/5ml) |
Children's Ibuprofen Chewable (50mg) |
Junior Strength Ibuprofen Chewable or Tabs(100mg) |
12-17 lbs. |
1.25 ml |
1/2 tsp. |
18-23 lbs. |
1.87 ml |
3/4 tsp. |
24-35 lbs. |
2.5 ml |
1 tsp. |
36-47 lbs. |
1 1/2 tsp. |
3 tabs |
48-59 lbs. |
2 tsp. |
4 tabs |
2 tabs |
60-71 lbs. |
2 1/2 tsp. |
5 tabs |
2 1/2 tabs |
Acetaminophen is the main ingredient in Tylenol® and Feverall® (rectal suppositories). Acetaminophen is used as a pain reliever and fever reducer. It should NOT be used in children under 2 months of age. The following products can be used every 4- 6 hours as needed. As per new recommendations the infant Tylenol is being pulled out of market and all new products will be with concentration of 160mg/5cc. To avoid all dosing confusion please check the concentration on the bottle before using these dosing recommendations. There are some generic preparation with concentrations of 80mg/0.8cc
Weight (lbs.) |
Infant Acetaminophen Drops (80mg/0.8ml) |
Children's Tylenol Suspension (160mg/5ml) |
Tylenol Chewable (80 mg) |
6-12 lbs. |
0.4 ml |
1/4 tsp. |
13-17 lbs. |
0.8 ml |
1/2 tsp. |
1 tab |
18-23 lbs. |
1.2 ml |
3/4 tsp. |
1 1/2 tabs |
24-35 lbs. |
1.6 ml |
1 tsp. |
2 tabs |
36-47 lbs. |
1 1/2 tsp. |
3 tabs |
48-59 lbs. |
2 tsp. |
4 tabs |
Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is used for hives and to reduce the itchiness associated with certain rashes. Benadryl can be given every 6-8 hours as needed.
Weight (lbs.) |
Benadryl Elixir (12.5mg/tsp.) |
Benadryl Chewable (12.5 mg) |
Benadryl Tabs (25 mg) |
12-17 lbs. |
1/2 tsp. |
18-23 lbs. |
3/4 tsp. |
24-35 lbs. |
1 tsp. |
1 tab |
36-47 lbs. |
1 1/2 tsp. |
1 1/2 tabs |
48-59 lbs. |
2 tsp. |
2 tabs |
1 tab |
Help with Common Cold
At present there are no "infant" preparations on pharmacy shelves. In exceptional cases, you doctor can direct you to give a specific dosage of a "children's" preparation.
- When should I consider antibiotics for my child's cold?
Colds are usually caused by viruses. Antibiotics are used only for bacterial infections. Occasionally a cold can develop into a bacterial infection, such as an ear or sinus infection. In that case, antibiotics may be used. Antibiotics have potentially serious side effects. There is a risk of severe diarrhea or an allergic reaction. There is also the risk of developing resistant bacteria when antibiotics are overused or used inappropriately.
- If my child's mucous is yellow or green, do they need antibiotic?
No. Initially, most colds go through a phase when the nasal secretions appear thick and green, usually at the beginning or end of the cold. It may also occur in the morning when the secretions tend to be drier. If the green or yellow color of the discharge persists more than 3 to 4 days, an office visit would be advised.
- What medications can I use to treat my child's cold?
There is no cure for the common cold. Treatment is, therefore, supportive, depending on your child's symptoms. The goal is to make the child comfortable while the body fights the virus on its own. Hot steam baths, nasal saline drops, a humidifier, rest and lots of fluids may help alleviate the symptoms and promote recovery of a cold. In older children using over the counter cold remedies may sometimes help the symptoms of a cold but they should not be used in children younger than 6 years of age.
- How high of a fever is dangerous to my child?
Fever, in and of itself, is not dangerous to a child. However, what is causing the fever may be dangerous. Most fevers in children are caused by viruses.The fever is the way the body fights the virus that is causing the infection. Sometimes there is a more serious cause of a fever in a child. In these situations, the child usually appears quite ill. If the child is playful and active, there is no absolute number above which one must get concerned. Many children with fevers of 103 to 104 F are quite energetic and active. However, if the child has a temperature of 101 and is listless and lethargic, there is certainly a cause for concern.
- What is the best way to take my child's temperature?
The most accurate temperature will be obtained using a rectal thermometer, especially in infants. Oral thermometer readings are usually accurate in older children. Ear thermometers may produce erratic results and are only acceptable for older children. Normal temperature rectally is between 97.6 to 100.3 (36-38 C).
- My child woke up in the middle of the night with croupy cough. What can I do?
Barking or croupy cough is usually a sign of laryngitis-generally a mild and self-limited condition. If your child cannot sleep or has loud breathing, you can use a steam treatment-simply steam up a bathroom and stay there for 10 -15 min. Cold air also helps on cold nights a simple walk outside can be helpfull. If your child is having trouble breathing either contact the doctor on call or call 911.
- How long is my child contagious?
Contagiousness differs depending on the type of infection your child is having. For minor viral illnesses your child should stay away from other children and school for as long as he or she has a fever. If your child only has a runny nose and cough, he or she should not be excluded from group activities. You can call our office for detailed information on specific infections.
- What do I do if my child is vomiting?
As long as the vomiting is not green, and there is no blood, and it is not accompanied by high fever or severe stomach pains the main goal of treatment is preventing dehydration. Get clear Pedialyte, Pedialyte popsicles, or Gatorade for older children and feed very small amounts (3-5cc) very frequently, ideally every 2-5 min until larger amounts are tolerated. Call the office if any of the above occurs or if you think your child may be dehydrated.
- My child's stool is green-is that normal?
Stools that are brown, yellow and green are considered normal. White, black and bloody (red) stools should be a cause for a concern.
- When can I start feeding my child solids?
The current AAP recommendation is to start feeding rice cereal anywhere between 4-6 months of age. Once your child learns how to swallow you can add some fruit, meat, and vegetables. You want to add a new type of food to your child's diet only every 3-5 days, so that you can watch for possible allergic reactions. Eggs, wheat products, milk products like yogurts can be added after six months of age. Honey should always be avoided in the first year of life. If there is a family history of allergies, avoid shellfish and nuts as well until one year of age.
- How much milk should my 1-year old drink?
The official recommendations for children after their first birthday is to drink 16-24 oz of milk a day. Many children do not drink this much and if they get calcium from other sources like yogurt and cheeses there is probably no cause for concern.
- My child had her shots yesterday and now has a fever and a lump in her thigh, should I be concerned?
Most immunizations will cause fever and local reactions as minor side effects. For fever use Tylenol or Motrin in weight appropriate dosing. The lump at the site of the injection may be red and generally will disappear in days to weeks. If fever lasts for more then 48 hours , you should call our office.
- When can I take my newborn out?
Your newborn baby is ready for a walk as soon as you are. As long as your newborn is appropriately dressed, she can stay outside for as long as you wish. You should try to avoid crowded enclosed spaces (e.g. subways, churches, movie theaters) for the first 2 months of life since your baby's immunity is not fully developed. During extreme heat your child may need some water supplementation to prevent dehydration.
- How can I know that my breastfed newborn is getting enough?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions and it is difficult to answer. There are 2 things that may be very helpful to you -your child should be stooling frequently (at least 4-5 times a day) and your child should be gaining weight appropriately. Frequent weight checks in our office can be arranged if any concern arise.
- How much formula should I feed my bottle-fed baby?
Every well, bottle-fed baby should be offered as much as he wants. Always try to put a little more in the bottle than you would expect your baby to eat. If he finishes the whole bottle, next time put a little more in. Babies in the first 2 years of life will not overeat. The baby will signal when he has had enough or wants more.
- My 2 month old breastfed baby did not have a bowel movement for 3 days-is that normal?
A baby's bowel movement pattern can suddenly change after about 2 months of age for exclusively breastfed infants. If your child continues feeding well, is not unusually irritable, and her belly is not distended, the normal bowel movement pattern can be as infrequent as once a week. If there is any vomiting, unusual crying or food refusal you should contact our office.
- My newborn baby has a rash on her face that looks like pimples, is there anything I should be worried about?
Because of a transfer of estrogens through the placenta, many babies have a mild case of infant acne. There is no treatment for this condition and the acne lesions usually disappear within weeks.
- What do you think about circumcision?
This practice has always supported the decision of the parents to circumcise or not to circumcise their infant sons. The American Academy of Pediatrics has had various stripes of the same opinion - there is no real medical necessity or indication for routine circumcision. This position has not been altered by the inclusion of concerns of urinary tract infection in uncircumcised newborns, or WHO information relating to HIV infection and intact foreskins in some cultures.
- Should my child get a flu shot?
Yes, influenza can be a serious illness and therefore it is recommended that all children 6 months of age and older receive yearly flu vaccines. This is especially important for children with any history of chronic medical conditions, such as wheezing or asthma.
Heights Pediatrics . 145 Henry Street, Ste 1G Brooklyn, NY 11201 . 718.858.4924
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