Well visit
We enjoy seeing our patients during these regular visits, building personal relationships with both the children and their parents. Complete check-ups usually includes immunizations. We follow the schedule recommended by the AAP but we will work with families that request minor modifications. You can find more information about immunizations on Immunize.org.
Heights Pediatrics . 145 Henry Street, Ste 1G Brooklyn, NY 11201 . 718.858.4924
© 2007-2014. All rights reserved.
Phone Advice
If you have a non urgent question that does not require a visit you can always reach us during our business hours.
Emergency contact
In case of an emergency you should call 911. If you are not sure if an emergency room visit is needed, we carry beepers and you can reach one of the doctors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
New Mothers' Group
Moderated successfully by Katerina Silverblatt, M. D. and Barbara Ciccone, PhD for the past 6 years, these 6 week long sessions of up to 6 moms and babies meeting once a week have been very reassuring for many new moms in the neighborhood. Bring your baby, relax and find out that you are not the only one who did not get more then 2 hours of sleep in past 2 months. Sessions take place on Tuesdays at 1:30 pm. Call the office for schedule and reservations. (Charge: $250)
Breastfeeding Support Group
Meets every Friday at 1:30 pm .This group is moderated by Dr. Silverblatt and moms can talk about early breastfeeding problems, sleeping, milk production, pumping etc. Get some information or just come to meet some other new moms. Please call to reserve a spot, as space is limited. (Charge: $15)
Adolescent Hour
For the comfort of our adolescent patients we reserved 1 hour a week where we will see only children 12 years of age and older. Come and visit us every Tuesday from 7 to 8 pm.